Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Couple More Photos

Here is an up close and personal photo of our new Adventures in Big Bird's Liver World mascot. We found him in the gift shop at the hospital. We laughed, bought him, and now you will be seeing lots more of him, as he will be our escort on all things Big Bird Liver World related ;-)

The pic to to right is Jesse, Big Bird & Big Bird's mascot. Jesse is our one constant at the Transplant Clinic. We were sad to hear of his recent heart problems, but are happy is as good as new!!!


Carl said...

Hi Josh,
This is Carl Weinberger. I was just looking on my own blog to see if there were any new comments, and you came to my heart. I pray that your get you liver soon. Hang in there bro. God WILL see you through this one. If I can make it so can you. Drop me a line anytime if you have questions. I have learned a lot while going through my transplant recovery. I will send you my phone number in email.

God bless you,

Carl said...

Opps. Sorry Dustin, I was thinking about Josh Carpenter for a second, but the post was meant for you. Also, please email as I don't have your email address, and would like to give you my phone number so you can call if you need to talk.


***BREAKING NEWS- Big Bird had his Liver Transplant on Wednesday December 12, 2007***

Adventures in Big Bird's Liver World is an account of the daily adventures, trials, frustrations and workings of living with PSC. My brother, aka Big Bird, was diagnosed with PSC in 2000, after battleing UC for many years. He was listed for a transplant in May 2007. We now await the infamous "call". In the mean time, this is where we vent, poise questions and ramble about life, doctor appointments, illness, good days & bad days.