Thursday, December 27, 2007
Seeing is Believing.....
The above photo was taken on November 1, 2007. Dustin & I at a friend's Birthday dinner.
This is Dustin and I on December 21, the day he was getting released from the hospital.
This was Dustin yesterday morning. It is amazing, truly amazing to watch how his color has come back. How his skin has been completely changed but this amazing new liver. We really need to name his new liver-it deserves a name (I have mentioned this before and Big Bird really wants to name it Grapefruit-since that is a big no no to transplant patients)
The gratitude of this gift is without the a doubt, the greatest gift anyone could have wanted for Dustin or our family this Christmas! I know I keep saying how grateful we are, you no words truly reflect how we feel, how Dustin especially feels. He is so thankful, but he is so sad by the means in which he got this gift.
I hope you Christmas was as blessed as ours was!
Some updating and photos!
I'm free, I am really free.....This was Friday, December 21, 2007 when Big Bird was released and being escorted to the car.
To the right is Big Bird's Transplant Educator-Darnell. He was great and also a fellow PSCer transplant patient. We learned so much from Darnell-thank you Darnell!!!!
Big Bird Christmas Morning. He got lots of bath products-as he loves hot baths. Unfortunately he can't take a hot bath right now, it is all shower time....and of course his Christmas presents were purchase before his
To the right again, Big Bird 15 days post transplant. His color is remarkably normal...Such a difference....
This is Big Bird's delightfully scrumptious breakfast!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
Dustin is doing very well. He is adjusting to a position that is more comfortable for him to sleep on (he was a right side sleeper). We are getting his drugs down pat, (thank goodness we are both paranoid about missing one). He has started some swelling, but only what is "normal". Today we went out for a walk, just down to the end of the street and back-about 5 houses. We took Poochie & Bella so that was the adventure for them...
His color has improved even since we got home. I have given him a few days "off" from photo taking (it didn't help that my house has been in total choatic mess either). But with it being Christmas we will have some photos to be had.
We are so blessed this Christmas, this is surely to be one of the sweetest ever. We will all have his donor family in our hearts this day-for their loss gave Dustin a new life-new hope.
Merry Christmas. May each of you have and feel the spirit of Christ this very remarkable day!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Poochie is 7 today!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Day 8
They had to give him additional steroids for the slight rejection episode he had yesterday-steroids and Big Bird not a happy combo for anyone involved!!!
Other than that he is doing well. FINGERS crossed we can go home tomorrow. I am so ready to go home and see my fur babies.
Here is a pic of the liver pillow we have been having everyone sign. We will have to take it to a couple doctor appointments to get everyone whom we have missed to sign it. What a great thing to have! We want to get a shadow box to put it in.
To the right is some balloon love Big Bird had been feeling. All the fur babies of the house sent them, along with his Monday night fur buddy- the Suki Doodle and her momma Edie!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
One Week Ago
One week ago today Big Bird got the call. It is hard to believe it has only been a week. What a whirlwind we have all been through.
My deepest respect goes to the donor family. I cannot even begin to imagine what they are feeling. They made the hardest and most selfless choice any one person can make-and for that my family and I will be forever grateful.
I ask everyone to consider being an organ donor. It is the one greatest act of service you can do. The blessings of that choice reach so many people beyond the lives that it saves. You can visit the Donate Life website to learn more about becoming an organ donor!
Dustin got this really cool liver shaped pillow from the TX education coordinator. We have been having everyone that has helped in his liver tx from the surgeon to his nurses sign the pillow. What a great memento to take home.
He showered today, what a relief, his mop was looking quite greasy...he certainly needs a haircut. I offered to shave his head with the dog shears when we got home, it wasn't as amused as I was. hehehe
Today he is experiencing a slight rejection episode, he bili was up a few points. The hep doc and surgeon both said it was normal and "not to worry". They are upping the Prograf meds tonight and also doing some steroid iv this evening to combat that. His spirits are doing very well. He is eating better today. He is also walking the hallways 2-4 times a day. He set up for about 7 hours today as well.
We were hoping to go home tomorrow, but they want to watch the drugs a bit more, so it is looking like Friday or Sat. discharge. That is ok with us, he wants to go home, but at the same time is ok with staying for however longs he needs to be.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
All is good!
They have a Christmas Tree on the Transplant Floor that tx patients can put an ornament on that represents them, so in true Dusty fashion, we got him a Star Wars Darth Vader ornament. We signed his name, and liver transplant date, then he walked down the hall with assistance of the nurse hung the ornament on the tree. I got some pics will upload later.
He is definitely getting back to his normal self. IF things continue to progress the way they are, he could possibly go home Thursday or Friday.
The prograf (anti-rejection medicine) apparently really makes him tremble, they say it will get better with time. He had a slight fever last night, but it didn't last long, probably from all the excitement of moving rooms, and then being able to walk-which he hadn't really done in awhile. He is tender, but doing well.
I missed the doctors today-I got back to San Antonio about 40 mins after rounds-go figure.. But I will catch up with them tomorrow.
Some people have expressed wanting to send him something, absolutely nothing living (no plants, no flowers, no fruit) Balloons are great.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Jello anyone?
But this is on the right track. I came home for a couple days to take care of a few things around the house and at work, then I will be heading back to SA. Mom is with Dustin in SA and will be there until he goes home.....Miss is staying home and taking care of all the fur babies.
Since he is eating, he should be able to get out of TICU in a day or so.. Now I need to investigate some obnoxious balloon arrangement to bombard him with...
Up swing
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Still dealing with the bleed issue. They are still on the fence about surgery......I guess we wait and see if the call us in the middle of the night or not....oh the joys, do you sleep soundly or do you toss and turn in wonder???
Update & The Incision
Uh oh!
I will update when I know more. We are on our way to the hospital now.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Progress Report
We are all so overcome with emotions. So many miracles have been granted to our family in the last 24 hours that I am truly in awe at the power of Heavenly Father. We needed a blessing, the missionaries were 100 yards from our house before we left for San Antonio. Melissa and I were talking on our way home that we forgot to call and put Dusty on the prayer roll in the Temple, there is a message on our answering machine from our Bishop he was on his way to the temple in GA and would be listing him on the Temple list there. Every time we think we need to take care of something, Heavenly Father has provided it. They told us the surgery wouldn't be complete until close to 5am, it was done at 2am. Miracles are real and they do happen....
We are on an emotional roller coaster. One minute we are crying, the next we are stalwart! But he is transplanted. He is doing well. They are impressed with his progress.
My prayers are with the donor family that gave my brother this beautiful, priceless gift. I can't imagine what they are going through right now. They gave my baby brother a chance at actually finally having a debt and gratitude to this selfless family is beyond anything words could ever define. They are my heros...........
Thank you for all our comments, Brenda B, Dawn, Lonnie, Katie, Edie everyone for your kind words. They mean so much. Once Dusty is awake enough to understand, he will be excited to hear about it!
Transplant Complete
Pretty new Pink Liver!!!
Big Bird made it through surgery. It has been an emotional roller coaster. We are at the hotel and trying to get some sleep we can't get back into the hospital until tomorrow morning.
I have lots of phone calls to make....
Dusty did very well. Everything just went smoothly. Heavenly Father was certainly watching over him, everything was just falling into place today-there was no question who was in charge.
He is in ICU where he will remain for the next 72 hours. This is standard for tx patients. Anyone wanting to send something, please refrain from plants or flowers or fruit. Transplant patients can't be around them.
We have no phone or internet at the hospital so, I know y'all are wanting to get us, we are trying....please patients are prayers.
We are going to try and get him another blessing tomorrow so I will be making some church calls in the morning as well.
Will post more after I have had a chance to talk to a doctor sometime tomorrow....
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
No more NyQuil!
I finally got better, then Big Bird comes down with it. He was walking around the house Sunday morning asking why I was trying to kill him (please keep in mind that I have been sick and actually came home early the previous Friday). I told him, yes, yes I am trying to kill you. It is my goal in life to make you as miserable as I possibly can. ;-) (what are sisters for right?)
So, Monday night, he is still sick and had been taking Tylenol Severe Cold (yes he can take Tylenol even though he has liver disease we asked his liver doc!). I suggested he take NyQuil before he went to bed-what could it possibly hurt right?
So, I am in my nice warm snugly bed, and I get a RUDE awakening at 12:45AM, Big Bird busts through my bedroom door, thrashes on my light and yells, "Tiffany something isn't right"-I am dead asleep-startled to grogginess and he throws his florescent yellow eyes in my face and asked "are my eyes dilated?" Do you have any idea how frightening a jaundice persons face is when it is thrusted into your face in the middle of the night? It isn't a pleasant sight!!!! Apparently what little amount of alcohol that is in NyQuil made him drunk on medicine.
At this point he is trying to convince me we need to go to the ER, cause "it's not right", I told him to drink some water and go to bed. "Are you sure? I don't feel right", I respond, "Yes, Dusty, just get some sleep", he reluctantly lays down in his bed.
The next morning, I am up cleaning up the kitchen, he walks in ever so nonchalantly and exclaims "so, ya think I shouldn't take NyQuil anymore?" I ever so sarcastically respond, "ya think"
So, yeah, there ya have it, no more NyQuil for Big Bird!!!!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Christmas Photos
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Still Hanging In
Big Bird had a relatively good weekend. He got up and even went to church with me. Granted we left after Sacrament Meeting, but I will take what I can get with him. I am so thankful for the new Chapel that is so much closer to home. Everyone always greets him so kindly when he goes to church with me, I think he secretively enjoys the attention and the kinds words that are given to him. The Bishop was kind enough to come up to him directly and let him know that the Bishopric has been and continues to pray for him. Boy we will take all the prayers we can get.
I will post after clinic on Friday.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
A Couple More Photos
Here is an up close and personal photo of our new Adventures in Big Bird's Liver World mascot. We found him in the gift shop at the hospital. We laughed, bought him, and now you will be seeing lots more of him, as he will be our escort on all things Big Bird Liver World related ;-)
The pic to to right is Jesse, Big Bird & Big Bird's mascot. Jesse is our one constant at the Transplant Clinic. We were sad to hear of his recent heart problems, but are happy is as good as new!!!
Transplant Clinic
Big Bird had his monthly Transplant Clinic appointment on Friday. We had a good day actually, which is allot better than last month. Big Bird has a MELD score of 21. Dr. Espinoza was very nice. We got to see Jesse again, he is our one and only constant at the Transplant Center. He is one of the nicest guys. He was kind enough to take a picture with Big Bird & our new Big Bird Mascot. Melissa and I found him at the gift shop in the hospital. So he will be going on all our Transplant Adventures with us now ;-)
Mom had an emotional day, she is an O blood type, but she wouldn't be a match to Big Bird. That was hard for her to hear. She almost cried on the poor doctor. Silly mama.
*If you have trouble with the slide show go to this link*
Saturday, October 20, 2007
OK Back to Traditions
We did go to SA today for his monthly pre-transplant clinic appointment. All went fine. He still has a MELD of 21. Not sure where this places him on the list-but probably right around 3 still. I did take a few pictures today from our outings, so once I get them uploaded I will give y'all a slide show ;-)
Sunday, October 07, 2007
New Design
I lost some of the links with the new layout, so....if ya know of something that is related to PSC or Big Bird and want it linked, leave me a comment and I will get it updated!
Look At Me!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Why on earth?
This morning, they leave a message on the answering machine, they want to schedule another ERCP. WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THEY THINKING?????????????
Big Bird called his nurse, waiting on a call back, if that doesn't go anywhere, we are calling his local doc and having him call and have a chat. Are they trying to make him sicker?????
Follow Up Transplant Clinic Appt.
I know that if he is to get a liver transplant, it will be when the time is right. I truly believe Heavenly Father's plan is much greater. I am comforted that I know this. It is just a frustrating situation to be in.
We are tethered to an imaginary leash-waiting and wondering. But at least we have humor, sarcastic and dry as it may be-but it is there. We have faith, that things will work out the way they are meant to. We have family-whom we yell at, love, cry with and hug. With all this I say Big Bird has it made for whatever the outcome may be!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Our Aunt Karen
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Still Waiting
Feel free to leave comments, we love to hear from everyone.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Keep Hope in Sight
Yellow eyes, jaundiced skin,
What a lousy shape I'm in,
Swollen ankles, sloshy belly,
Squishy like they're filled with jelly,
Itch and scratch, til it's sore,
Then I itch and scratch some more,
Cramping legs, cramping feet,
Stretch them out and then repeat,
Sleepy days, up at night,
Thinking isn't quite so bright,
Am I tired or am I lazy?
This itching's going to drive me crazy!
Colors seem to fade to grays,
As I'm feeling more malaise,
But keep a future hope in sight,
When yellow eyes will turn to white,
Fluffy ankles will deflate,
Maybe I won't sleep so late,
Surely I won't feel so drained,
Certainly I'll feel less pained,
Thank you Lord, there's hope in sight,
When yellow eyes will turn to white,
By transplant or Your glory bright.
Written by: Darryl Powlison
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Who Is Big Bid?
Big Bird is my wittle brother. I say this as he is my younger brother, but he is actually 6'10" tall. He is also currently sporting a lovely tinge of yellow in his skin & eyes (mostly eyes right now-he is looking ok skin wise currently). Hence the name Big Bird (tall and yellow).
Big Bird has been sick since he was about 15 years old. He broke his leg, and things just spiraled from there. He starting "passing" blood, come to find out he had bleeding ulcers in his colon. He had to have a couple blood transfusions-he is actually surprised to have survived as his blood counts would be extremely low.
When he moved to Austin, and ended up in the ER with a colitis attack, we found his excellent Doctor. He was able to finally after about 5 years of dealing with the colitis, get it under control. Dr. Ziebert continued to keep Big Bird under his wings. In 1999, his liver function tests starting coming back abnormal. They did an ERCP and discovered that Big Bird had PSC. We were told that he would need a liver transplant in about 5 years. As time went on, he would get occasional episodes of UC, and occasional episodes of liver related infections.
In 2005 they did an ERCP and stated that stenting would no longer work that transplant was now an option that had to be considered. Well at this time, Big Bird had to insurance. Since his health was declining, energy fading, labs getting worse, itching becoming unbearable, with consultation from his doc we decided it was time to apply for SSDI. SSDI was granted, but the kicker with that is Medicare takes 2 years to kick in before you are eligible. He got a couple cholangitis attacks, symptom's got worse and we really started to fear.
On February 1, 2007 Big Bird got Medicare. On February 9, we were meeting with the Transplant Clinic. In April 2007 Big Bird was being evaluated for Transplant. In May 2007 Big Bird was listed.
Now we just wait. Big Bird is #1 for his Blood Type (type A) he has been this way for a couple months now. His labs will be redone next week when he has a transplant clinic appointment.
The last couple weeks have been really good actually. But as anyone who knows how PSC works, you NEVER know how long that will last. So you take each day at a time.
Well, that should give everyone who doesn't know Big Bird some background and even a little bit of explanation to his nick name.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Nap Time
After the trip to the dentist this morning to fix falling crown and a yummy breakfast taco breakfast, Big Bird, Aukee & Jasmine decided it was time to cuddle up and watch a movie this morning.
I had to laugh, so I snapped this photo while I was leaving for work. Aukee is such a nerd, doesn't he know yarn is not a pillow??
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Caution-falling teeth
Friday, August 31, 2007
Four days in ICU.
Four packets of Fresh Frozen Plasma
IV Antibiotics
One Vitamin K shot in the bumbum
One EGD to remove previously placed Stent
Total comes to $18756.00
Boy am I glad I spent sometime reading all the Medicare Stuff and consulting with a Medicare Insurance provider to make sure he got a fantastic supplemental policy.
wowsers....just had to share.....
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
I really don't know what to do. It is hard to watch it, but what choice does one have?
We will stay positive, and keep our fingers crossed that he doesn't get another infection and a transplant comes sooner rather than later....
Friday, August 24, 2007
Still #1
Friday, August 17, 2007
But he is home. Have to go and fill perscriptions....He is in much better spirits today. I think he may even be making a WOW appearence this afternoon.
Poochie Therapy
Big Bird was moved to the 4th floor. So now he is very ready to come home. I think we are suffering a wee bit of depression-not that I can blame him. I just wish he would eat more. He has lost at least 10 pounds (I wish I could) through this whole ordeal. Not good for such a bean pole already.
He will hopefully be coming home today. I am getting ready to head to the hospital here in a few mins. So I will post when I get home.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
We ARE getting out of ICU
Since he is going to the regular room, I am thinking it is necessary to smuggle the Poochie in for some "pet therapy". Big Bird is certainly low on the Poochie kisses quota!
It has been a whirlwind of a week. Things were really scary Monday night, Tuesday and even into Wednesday, but Thursday has seen glimpses of Big Bird returning to himself.
Now we just hope and pray for a liver to come sooner rather than later, and that we won't have any more of these hospital scares before the big surgery.....
Much Better
As of now, he is still number one on the list. Not sure if they will change it since his blood work is markedly improved. I guess we shall see.
I will update when after the doctor makes his rounds and we can ask some questions.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Wednesday Update
They took the stent out, the doctor seems confident that this was the issue and things should just get better from here on out. They still have him on IV antibiotics, and well keep him in ICU at least through tomorrow. There is a possibility he might get to go home Friday-fingers crossed.
When things got scary, they listed his MELD score at 40-this is the highest it can go. This is his MELD score listing as of right now. His INR was down significantly to 1.47 today as well-yippie...
Really right now he needs a transplant, I don't know how much more he or any of us can take of this. He seems to be down right now. I left the hospital early tonight, he didn't get much sleep last night, so hopefully that won't be the case tonight.
Don't really have allot today......good I suppose.
fever, fever go away!!!!
Big Bird said he was doing ok this morning. Mom is on her way to the hospital now. I have to go into work for a couple hours to take care of a few things then I will be at the hospital.
This has been a report of the Big Bird broadcasting network.......
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Fever was back this evening, 100.9 when I left. They changed up the antibiotics to every 4 hours instead of heavy dose of levoquin once every 24 hours. He will be in ICU for at least another 24-48 hours. There is a possibility that they will transfer him to SA at the end of the week, so I guess we just wait and see.
His INR is what has everyone jumping through hoops. It ain't a happy thing. All they can do for him is try and control the infection, control the pain and pray for a liver donor. How bitter sweet is that???? Hey can someone please die so my brother can have a life???? Crass I know, but I am tired and I really am just a snot right now.
I will post an update tomorrow, but for now, I am off for some very much needed sleep!!!
We are #1
It was the INR that was throwing loops this morning. It was 6, it is now 3.36, still high, but better.
But with this latest development and the INR numbers we found out this afternoon that he has officially been bumped to #1 on the transplant list for his blood type at his center. Scary news...
I have the RS president coordinating with the bishopric to get someone down here to get a blessing so hopefully that will be happening this evening.
That is the latest from the deluxe ICU suite....will let ya know more when I can.
The low down.....Monday morning (8/13/07) about 1am Big Bird had the onset of liver pain. It intensified, so he took vicodin, that didn't seem to help. About 7pm, he started with fevers, with the highest one reaching 100.5 (this is not good for liver patients). Vomiting set in shortly after. About 9:30pm we made the call to head to the ER.
They did a bunch of blood work, and cultures. About 3 they decided to go ahead and admit him (this is a story in itself as in my experience ER docs are morons w/liver disease patients). We kept asking what room he was going to be in, they finally came to move him, and we find out they are putting him in ICU. (Shock and dismay now sets in)
They started Fresh Frozen Plasma (sounds like a winery sell-hehe) about 4:30 this morning. His clotting (I really need to talk to a doc so I can get some terminology here) has improved some he was a 6 when admitted, and he is now at a 3. However even with morphine the pain is not improving. Lots of sensitivity and tenderness. Big Bird is not a happy camper....
Will post more after I can talk to a doc and find out what is going on and the plan of action....
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Listing Status #2
Dustin's MELD score did increase to 23.
The above information is the most current. Big Bird is now #2. He is getting very anxious & nervous. This is something that has been needed and wanted for a long time, but it is also very scary, cause you never know just how you might react to any of it.
His hospital quilt is almost done. Just have to make a final decision on the back. We got one hospital gown sewn and put through the wash, gotta pull it out of the dryer and see what if any changes need to be made before making the others.
The above pic is from July 19, the day before his ERCP. It almost looks like two siblings that like each other ;-)
Saturday, July 28, 2007
He concluded that the ERCP they did on July 20 showed that his best option at this point is transplantation. They did put a stent in, but it seems to be causing some discomfort. They also found a hernia in his abdomen. The hernia will be fixed during the transplant surgery. They redid all his blood work, and he came back with a MELD score of 23. This is a point higher than his score from a couple weeks ago. His hep is hopeful that he will be transplanted soon. He has moved up on the list but he couldn't give an official listing status. The person that was ahead of him received a transplant on it is possible that he could be #2 or #1.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Prayer Requests.....
ERCP & All That
Yesterday was better, but he pain made an appearance again today. Looks like we will be heading to SA again soon. Hopefully they can see him this week, otherwise, I will have to leave Mom & Big Bird to fend for themselves as it will be hard for me to escape work for 10 days while Miss Edie is seeing the wonders of Alaska (this is where I submit mass amounts of jealousy).
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
New Lab Results
Since I actually have the lovely lab results here are what they look like:
Lots of scary numbers. His Bili actually is really good right now, surprisingly. He started having lots of joint pain yesterday, he had grown used it to I guess, cause he wasn't complaining too much this morning.
Big Bird is having some tests done on Friday, so hopefully we will know what the cirrhosis is like in his liver and how bad the scaring is. We are hoping that maybe they will be able to drain some bile as well, that would help with the itching, but who knows.
Friday, July 13, 2007
The Boys
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
We just spoke with Big Bird's nurse coordinator and the liver didn't come through. They think it went to another hospital-so hopefully it is a good match for that recipient.
This has truly been a test on preparedness for all of us. We were able to get him a blessing this morning, and that brought comfort. We certainly now know what we need to do to prepare.
His MELD is still 19, but apparently it isn't a very long list at this hospital, so he is right on up there.
Time to resume normal life, and certainly a time to reflect on what we need to take care of.
The Call???
Even if he doesn't go, he will certainly need one for comfort after today.
When we know something I will post.....
Love & Prayers to all of you!!!!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Harry Potter
We are nerdlings! I just ordered our tickets to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on IMAX no less. So yes we will be see Harry on IMAX in 3D. That should be interesting. We are even taking Mom along for the adventure.....
I guess the appropriate thing to do this weekend (since we actually don't have a ton of commitments) is to try and have a Harry Potter movie marathon.
Go here
you can watch the trailer, they even have some fun downloads and other things for you Potter fans out there.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Birthday Success
We had a fantastic day. Lots of laughs, and lots of "child play". We got nerf guns, and well, all I can say is take cover. There are four around the house now and no one is safe-:-)
Even the puppies got in on the festivities and wore party hats- well at least some of them did. They were not to sure about it. Dusty dog did ok as long as he was able to hug next to Edie. Jasmine was just fine with her bone in her mouth. Bella was annoyed-true to herself that is. And Well we attempted Aukee-and he wouldn't have ANY of it. As soon as it went on, it came right off. Poochie was hiding in a small dark corner enjoying the yumminess of a Baconstrip bone. Suki-every the beauty queen did smashingly well.
We are in the full throws of Birthday Season. Jerry's birthday is July 5, then we have Melissa's on July 18 & mine is shortly there after. Good times. So I am sure I may be able to add another photo spread again.
enjoy the goofiness.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Happy Birthday Big Bird!
Big Bird's Birthday is on Sat., June 30. He will be celebrating 31 years of annoying me!
(I really should have been an only child!)
We are having a quite family celebration at home with a couple of his close friends for a BBQ and lots of visiting and catching up. The Fur Babies will get in on the act as well and celebrate along with him with some delectable treat that I will have to figure out today. I think we are expecting 12 adults and 6 fur babies....hehe
As for an update with where things stand, we are waiting to hear from UTHSA for scheduling an ERCP. They want to do this for exploratory purposes to see what is going on in is bile ducts and liver. This will be done some time in July-but who knows when-since we thought we would have heard something by now. He has been somewhat good the last few days-so that is very good.
I do want to send out prayers and well wishes to the Henshaw family from the PSC Support Group on Yahoo. Ken had his transplant and they have been through the ringer with complications, good news, worry, etc. If you can send some extra prayers to them, that would be grand!
Have a great weekend everyone...(and also Happy Birthday to Aunt Karen-her birthday is today)....
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Tattle tail
Yes, that is what I feel like we did. We tattled tailed. We met with his regular doctor, and told him how we just didn't feel like the hep docs were on our side. That they just didn't give us the warm fuzzies. How every time we leave San Antonio, we feel hopeless, and lost. At least his doctor gives us some hope that he will get through this. He said he would talk to them, and see if he can't arrange for us to meet with one doc every time we gone from now on. We shall see....
Big Bird isn't feeling so hot. The itching got REALLY bad yesterday. They called in a script for an antihistamine and at about 5:30 this morning it knocked him out, it has helped a wee bit, but he has scratched himself raw and drawn blood in a few spots. Took him in this morning for lab work-we shall see if it reveals anything. I am not convinced that blood work tells the whole story-but again I am not a medical expert, just the one that lives with Big Bird. The fatigue is really bad, probably worse than normal-too bad he can't sleep-I get tired just looking at him.
But, my last few posts have been a bit of a downer, we haven't lost our sense of humor I assure you-it is in tack and in full use in our house. In the sick and twisted way we are, he complains he doesn't feel good, I tell him he is just fine, after all his MELD is only 19.....(again sick and twisted).
We had to take a Transplant Education Class last week, one of the things it says, you can't have Grapefruit, or Pepper after transplant. But the most disturbing, you can't allow your pets to sleep with you after transplant. Good luck explaining that one to my dogs-whom all believe he is a giant pillow to maul and snuggle in the afternoon. I will let him explain it to their pouty little faces, he can have 4 puppy heads staring at him in wonder as to why, WHY they can't maul and snuggle. Yeah, that is gonna work out well...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I know we do. For those that have never had the opportunity to encounter a transplant situation, count your blessings. It has to be one of the scariest, most frustrating, infuriating, agonizing, helpless waiting you will ever encounter.
We had a follow up appointment yesterday with the hepatologist. Hoping for some insight into new symptoms, waiting time, MELD reconfiguration blah blah blah. No real explanation for the feet swelling, no real explanation for the "burning sensation" his skin gets when he sweats, no explanation for the increased liver pains and back pains. Instead we get sent home with a pat on the back, your MELD is still 19, everything looks good we will see you in 3 months. Oh my the way your MRCP last month was inconclusive, but we think we want to go ahead and do an ERCP (obviously there is no way his current doctor could be correct in the fact that and ERCP is not an option for him).
I don't know about you, but it is really frustrating when all you feel like is a statistic, a number. Which essentially you are when waiting for a transplant. We worked, prayed so hard that he would make it to be listed, we finally made it then, it seems that every time we visit the hep doctors we get sucker punched, and any hopes that he will actually be transplanted are dashed. We were told yesterday that they will prolong transplantation as long as possible, especially since his liver was still functioning. They do offer exception points, but again, he isn't a candidate because his MELD is only 19, and his protein production is within an acceptable range. His bili is down 14.2, but they do show him as having a vitamin A & E deficiency, so they prescribed some vitamins for him.
The thing with being listed, you HAVE to do what ever the Transplant Hospital/team wants you to do. They wanted to schedule the ERCP yesterday, but I told them I would rather wait until they spoke with his doctor since he knew Big Bird's case and has been caring for him for the last decade. This hospital was suppose to be highly recommended, but I will tell you their hep doctors haven't been the greatest doctors I have ever encountered. They are suppose to be the "liver specialist" and yet, whenever we meet with them, we always feel hopeless, and that he will truly be lucky to get a transplant. We really leave there feeling like there is no hope, that transplant is a possibility but to not get our hopes up. We leave there feeling like a statistic, a number. A means of money making, because those doctors certainly lack some sort of human connection, a means of reassuring a patient and their loved ones that all is not lost. This particular doctor yesterday went as far as to tell us that transplant was not a "cure" for PSC, but rather a short reprieve, that more than likely in about 10 years he would likely experience recurrence and again be a transplant candidate. How about that loveliness, we haven't even got through this round, and we feel like we are being told to prepare for it again in 10 years.
After visits like this, you wonder (aside from the fact that he physically just can't handle it) why isn't he just going out and enjoying life to the fullest? Never mind his doctor has basically banned him from open water, no lakes, no rivers, no oceans-too many uncontrolled germs. But as far as the transplant hospital is concerned he is "fine". I beg to differ, I see him almost fall from dizzy spells. I see him want to crawl up in a fetal position almost in tears cause he is scared to death of dying, I see the fear in his eyes when his temp crawls up to a fever, then relief, cause it doesn't quite hit 100. I see the fear in his eyes every time he grasps his side, because the liver pains and back pains have increased. This is what I live with everyday, and then have to be sucker punched by a doctor who doesn't have the compassion to listen to a patient when he tells him, I don't care what my MELD is, I know my body and something isn't right, then be told OK, we will see you in 3 months.
This is our world, our frustrations, for whatever reason, the path we were set on. I don't understand it, but I have to believe Heavenly Father has put us on this path for a reason.....
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
elephant man
Well not really, but boy do I like to tease Big Bird! New Symptom-swollen ankles and legs, with the added finesse of pain and tightness. Good times! LOL. Suddenly Tuesday afternoon, Big Birds ankles and legs swelled up. Now this wouldn't be so noticeable if he were not such a bean pole. But none the less it is. Put a call into the doctor, they said to keep the feet elevated, and he did all night long.
This afternoon took Big Bird in for an ultrasound on his legs-they wanted to rule out blood clots-and they did. NO blood clots found (thank goodness). But the mystery remains why all of the sudden? He does not have high blood pressure, his heart is in tip top shape-so we chalk it up to the stinky liver disease-PSC. It is after all a side affect.
He also had his routine blood work done last Friday (May 25, 2007) they got the blood work back and his MELD score jumped to 28 since his last blood draw April 30, 2007. So they want another draw, we are waiting to hear from the transplant hospital for orders. After they do this, and his MELD is the same, he will be bumped up the list to #3 in his blood class. WOW now that is a scary thought!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
After years of waiting and wishing. It is finally here! Big Bird is LISTED!!!!! He has a current MELD score of 20. He is 6th on the waiting list for his blood type (A+).
It is bitter sweet. You wait and wait for this, then it comes, you take a deep breathe, and then WAIT. So many people die waiting for an organ transplant, but so many people live because they get the gift of life. Bitter Sweet!
So, for my non humorous post today, I encourage everyone to consider being an organ donor. You never know who or how many lives you could save, by simply donating your organs. Talk to your family about-pray about it. For more information on organ donating you can visit
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
One more test
OK, so on Monday April 30, Big Bird gets to go in for an MRCP & blood work. This is the last of his evaluation tests before listing. Woo Hoo! We are getting closer. He has been feeling a little wonky this week. Side pains, chills & hot flashes (if I didn't know better I would scream menopause-hehehe). Just something else to watch. Found out that his RX plan doesn't want to pay for URSO-to expensive go figure. Talked to his doc about that, so he is gonna try and go without for a couple weeks and see how he reacts, if not guess we will begin the pleading process again from Axacan for assistance.
The lactulose doesn't seem to be doing anything for the loopiness (or if you want the medical terminology-encephalopathy). The Tourette's (no he doesn't really have Tourerret's just something we can say that explains the bizarre things that spew from his mouth), and the "picking" is still there. So he is upping that to 4x a day.
But on a fun note, for us gamers in the house....Yes all three of us, Big Bird, cousin & me all play the addictive game of World of Warcraft. Silly we know, but it is our "family time". For those who play will know, Darkmoon Faire is coming to town this weekend, , so we will be exploring the Card game version of WOW. They also have RL quests, so we will be able to take some goofy pics around town. And since we are guild leaders we think we need to participate in this silliness. You can learn about our guild at, Knights of Kirin Tor, we play on the Farstriders server.
Other than that all seems to be well-considering in our household. I will be needing to get in touch with our Bishop from Church so that we have some contacts in San Antonio-I have been putting that off until we were closer to having him listed. We will have to have someone that can come and give Blessings when he is in the hospital in San Antonio.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Laugh out loud!
So, we had a comment today (Thanks Buck!) I just had to laugh. I totally forgot to mention the pee test.
This was SOOOOOO gross! First you have to pee in a wonderful orange jug for a full 24 hours. They tell you to store your pee in the fridge or on ice. Could someone please tell me who would be sick enough to store your pee in the fridge in which you keep your food & drinks. That is gross.
We made the Big Bird keep his on ice in an ice chest, kept in the bathtub with the curtain drawn. It just grosses you out to think about it being there.
But let me remind you that you have to do the TWICE. One week apart. They want to make sure your kidneys are functioning. Nothing like coke colored pee to warm the gag reflux!
This is why you must always remember to LAUGH!!!!! We have a twisted sense of humor in our house, but you have to when you are going through something like this. You have to remember to laugh, cause sometimes it just gets to be too much. Faith, love & laughter are the things you have to hold onto.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
One week of evals...
If you have every been sick enough to garner a week worth of intensive testing to see if you qualify to be put on the UNOS list for an ogran-then you know what that is like. If you are not, here is what a week worths of testing is schedule is like
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
8:00AM Dental Consult-Please report to the hospital 3o minutes early. Also, you are given a perscription for 4 horse pills to prevent infection for the 2 hours of x-rays and poking and prodding they will do to clear your mouth for any possible infections that may be looming.
1:00PM, CT Scan-please starve yourself! Nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours prior to the CT Scan.
2:30PM Clinic Appointment-Here we met with a less than personable Hep doc. He just didn't give me the warm fuzzies. One would think if you are there under going testing, you would think the doc would acknowledge you are sick-but instead leaves you feeling he would rather treat the disease (as if we haven't been doing that for the last 6 years).
4:40PM-FINALLY We get to go home (well hotel anyways) Exhausting and we are only on Day 1!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007.
7:00AM, EKG & ECHO-Have to be there 30 mins early (yeah cause 7 am isn't early enough-heck the sun isnt' even shinning yet!)
8:15AM Stress Test-yeah so they pumped him full of chemicals to stress his heart. Left a most lovely taste of metallic in his mouth. This test lasted until noon.
Mom & I sneak away and let him sleep for a couple hours. His lack of naps is not a happy scenario.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
9:15AM-Admissions-I still don't get what the purpose of this was, we got there showed them the letter, and they told us to just wait.
10:00AM-PFT's-His lungs are healthy-unfortunately he appears to not be using the full function of his lungs due to the enlargement of his liver. This is common in Liver Disease. Which does help explain the shortness of breath and dizziness.
11:00AM-Chest X-Ray-well they actually went ahead and did that when they did the CT Scan.
Woo Hoo we are done a wee bit early. Too bad it is raining cats & dogs so that really just doesn't leave us many options. We went and had lunch-then headed back to the hotel. Where we all napped. I really can't believe how exhausting all this is on everyone!
Friday, March 30, 2007
9:45AM-Cardiologist-Clear bill of health! His heart is healthy & normal. He has free cardio clearance for surgery-wooohooo
1:00PM-Nurse Clinic Appointment-well since they failed to administer the TB test, we cancelled this appt.
2:30PM-Social Work-We met with a social worker at the hospital. She talked to us about transplant patients. What to expect. About after care and medications that patients are on etc. She was impressed by his support-and was happy to see us there and him through this week.
His nurse coordinator-which is a super sweet lady-hopes to have the rest of his files & tests together to present his case to the transplant board this month.
If all goes well, by end of April he should be listed. They are putting him with a MELD score of 19.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
We made it San Antonio
We met with the Transplant Surgeon yesterday. They are going to evaluate Big Bird for Transplant. His nurse coordinater will be calling us within the next couple weeks to schedule the evaluation. This will take 3-4 days. Out-patient basis. He has a perliminary MELD score of 21 (based on blood work from December), but after being in the hospital and pumped full of IV antibiotics, his MELD dropped to an 18 based on the blood work done Friday morning-but they do acknowledge that the score lowered because of the antibiotics-fun stuff.....After all the evals and all is done, we are looking at possible listing for transplant in April or May....
The surgeon was very optimistic-which was assuring for both Big Bird and my mother. But there is a chance he could get really sick while waiting. Ah fun....But we will keep our fingers crossed, and keep the prayers going.
Just wanted to post an update that the appointment went well and we are on our way to what we have waited years for!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Big Bird was released from the hospital around 7pm tonight. He is home, resting and preparing. We meet with the Transplant Surgeon tomorrow morning for a consult. I will post when we get home......
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Hospital visit again....
Big Bird is in the hospital. He started with low grade fevers last night. So after dealing with that off and on for several hours last night we headed to the ER at 11:30pm, I left the ER at 6:45am. They admitted him. There is an infection, just not sure what and where, as his blood tests are "normal" for him. Just the fluctuating temps. Frustrating for him, but for us as well......
The doctor will be back again to check on him. He was experiencing some tenderness in the right quadrant area-something new, but not necessarily anything...we hope!!!! No signs of ascites-good!!!
Will post more when we know more. They are pumping him with IV antibiotics and fluids. And of course his normal doc is out of town. And again-he gets sick on Tuesday-what is with Tuesday?????????
Monday, February 05, 2007
Medicare Effective!
We are anticipating the consult with the Transplant Hospital. Nerves are very frayed and on high alert. So much about Big Birds future will depend on this stuff!
Will post when we have details regarding the appointment.....
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Good news
There is an organization that is focused on bring research and attention to PSC-the liver disease which affects Big Bird, PSCPartners Seeking a Cure, they are sponsoring a virtual walk, you can register at It is $25.00 to register, they send you a T-shirt, a pen, envelope you collect signatures and monies-then send it back to them, they will display it at the conference in April. We won't be there, but I think it is still a worth while cause and one that actually goes directly to a disease that gets little funding as it is! So if you can-help out and register!
I will post as soon as we have transplant eval dates!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Medicare we await thee
On Thursday, February 1, 2007, Big Bird will be going in for a procedure called an ERCP. They are hoping to dilate his bile ducts to drain some of the excess bile from his system. Please offer prayers and good vibes to us as we deal with this. This isn't the first ERCP by any means, but complications can arise as with any medical procedure and general anesthesia.
On Thursday, February 1, 2007 the Transplant hospital will be able to begin verifying coverage. We should have an appointment within 2 weeks for evaluation.
As of today we are 6 days fever free. Yippee......As of today we are 3 days from health coverage!
Adventures in Big Bird's Liver World is an account of the daily adventures, trials, frustrations and workings of living with PSC. My brother, aka Big Bird, was diagnosed with PSC in 2000, after battleing UC for many years. He was listed for a transplant in May 2007. We now await the infamous "call". In the mean time, this is where we vent, poise questions and ramble about life, doctor appointments, illness, good days & bad days.