Thursday, December 27, 2007

Seeing is Believing.....

The above photo was taken on November 1, 2007. Dustin & I at a friend's Birthday dinner.

This is Dustin and I on December 21, the day he was getting released from the hospital.

This was Dustin yesterday morning. It is amazing, truly amazing to watch how his color has come back. How his skin has been completely changed but this amazing new liver. We really need to name his new liver-it deserves a name (I have mentioned this before and Big Bird really wants to name it Grapefruit-since that is a big no no to transplant patients)

The gratitude of this gift is without the a doubt, the greatest gift anyone could have wanted for Dustin or our family this Christmas! I know I keep saying how grateful we are, you no words truly reflect how we feel, how Dustin especially feels. He is so thankful, but he is so sad by the means in which he got this gift.

I hope you Christmas was as blessed as ours was!

Some updating and photos!

I'm free, I am really free.....This was Friday, December 21, 2007 when Big Bird was released and being escorted to the car.

To the right is Big Bird's Transplant Educator-Darnell. He was great and also a fellow PSCer transplant patient. We learned so much from Darnell-thank you Darnell!!!!

Big Bird Christmas Morning. He got lots of bath products-as he loves hot baths. Unfortunately he can't take a hot bath right now, it is all shower time....and of course his Christmas presents were purchase before his

To the right again, Big Bird 15 days post transplant. His color is remarkably normal...Such a difference....

This is Big Bird's delightfully scrumptious breakfast!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Dustin is doing very well. He is adjusting to a position that is more comfortable for him to sleep on (he was a right side sleeper). We are getting his drugs down pat, (thank goodness we are both paranoid about missing one). He has started some swelling, but only what is "normal". Today we went out for a walk, just down to the end of the street and back-about 5 houses. We took Poochie & Bella so that was the adventure for them...

His color has improved even since we got home. I have given him a few days "off" from photo taking (it didn't help that my house has been in total choatic mess either). But with it being Christmas we will have some photos to be had.

We are so blessed this Christmas, this is surely to be one of the sweetest ever. We will all have his donor family in our hearts this day-for their loss gave Dustin a new life-new hope.

Merry Christmas. May each of you have and feel the spirit of Christ this very remarkable day!

Friday, December 21, 2007


Big Bird got discharged today! He is home and adjusting. I will update more tomorrow, I am in need of some puppy snuggles!!!!

Poochie is 7 today!

The sweet little Poochie is 7 today... Happy Birthday Poochie Poo. Treats will be in your near future! (with any luck your buddy will be home today too!)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Day 8

Day 8 finds us suffering from "roid rage". Webster defines it as "Uncontrolled physical or verbal anger exhibited due to excessive anabolic steroid use"

They had to give him additional steroids for the slight rejection episode he had yesterday-steroids and Big Bird not a happy combo for anyone involved!!!

Other than that he is doing well. FINGERS crossed we can go home tomorrow. I am so ready to go home and see my fur babies.

Here is a pic of the liver pillow we have been having everyone sign. We will have to take it to a couple doctor appointments to get everyone whom we have missed to sign it. What a great thing to have! We want to get a shadow box to put it in.

To the right is some balloon love Big Bird had been feeling. All the fur babies of the house sent them, along with his Monday night fur buddy- the Suki Doodle and her momma Edie!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

One Week Ago

One week ago today Big Bird got the call. It is hard to believe it has only been a week. What a whirlwind we have all been through.

My deepest respect goes to the donor family. I cannot even begin to imagine what they are feeling. They made the hardest and most selfless choice any one person can make-and for that my family and I will be forever grateful.

I ask everyone to consider being an organ donor. It is the one greatest act of service you can do. The blessings of that choice reach so many people beyond the lives that it saves. You can visit the Donate Life website to learn more about becoming an organ donor!

Dustin got this really cool liver shaped pillow from the TX education coordinator. We have been having everyone that has helped in his liver tx from the surgeon to his nurses sign the pillow. What a great memento to take home.

He showered today, what a relief, his mop was looking quite greasy...he certainly needs a haircut. I offered to shave his head with the dog shears when we got home, it wasn't as amused as I was. hehehe

Today he is experiencing a slight rejection episode, he bili was up a few points. The hep doc and surgeon both said it was normal and "not to worry". They are upping the Prograf meds tonight and also doing some steroid iv this evening to combat that. His spirits are doing very well. He is eating better today. He is also walking the hallways 2-4 times a day. He set up for about 7 hours today as well.

We were hoping to go home tomorrow, but they want to watch the drugs a bit more, so it is looking like Friday or Sat. discharge. That is ok with us, he wants to go home, but at the same time is ok with staying for however longs he needs to be.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

All is good!

Dustin is doing very well. He moved to the Transplant Telemetry Unit last night. He has had all his drains removed, and all lines. He has one IV left where they are still drawing labs from. Last night he did his first walking around. He took about three walks around the unit today.

They have a Christmas Tree on the Transplant Floor that tx patients can put an ornament on that represents them, so in true Dusty fashion, we got him a Star Wars Darth Vader ornament. We signed his name, and liver transplant date, then he walked down the hall with assistance of the nurse hung the ornament on the tree. I got some pics will upload later.

He is definitely getting back to his normal self. IF things continue to progress the way they are, he could possibly go home Thursday or Friday.

The prograf (anti-rejection medicine) apparently really makes him tremble, they say it will get better with time. He had a slight fever last night, but it didn't last long, probably from all the excitement of moving rooms, and then being able to walk-which he hadn't really done in awhile. He is tender, but doing well.

I missed the doctors today-I got back to San Antonio about 40 mins after rounds-go figure.. But I will catch up with them tomorrow.

Some people have expressed wanting to send him something, absolutely nothing living (no plants, no flowers, no fruit) Balloons are great.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Jello anyone?

The bleed seems to have stopped (insert jumping and cheering here). Big Bird is savoring the delectable servings of exquisite broth and sublime gelatin concoction. In other words he is eating!!!! Well sorta if you call chicken broth and jello eating....

But this is on the right track. I came home for a couple days to take care of a few things around the house and at work, then I will be heading back to SA. Mom is with Dustin in SA and will be there until he goes home.....Miss is staying home and taking care of all the fur babies.

Since he is eating, he should be able to get out of TICU in a day or so.. Now I need to investigate some obnoxious balloon arrangement to bombard him with...

Up swing

Keep those prayers and good vibes coming.....Big Bird decided to take an up swing in blood counts over night. Maybe surgery will be avoided woohoo!!!! Still watching...but with the up swing there is more hope....(can you say R E L I E F)

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Today Big Bird had a total bili count of 6, this is totally amazing. It hasn't been 6 in nearly 4 years!!!!!!!

Still dealing with the bleed issue. They are still on the fence about surgery......I guess we wait and see if the call us in the middle of the night or not....oh the joys, do you sleep soundly or do you toss and turn in wonder???

Update & The Incision

Big Bird is starting to look sooooooo much better. They are still unsure about the bleed, Dr. Washburn (surgeon) doesn't seem to be overly concerned. They are hopeful that it can be contained and controlled with blood. They gave him some additional platelets this afternoon, they still are not seeing the marked improvement for blood counts, so the went ahead and put him NPO for now, but they are letting him have ice chips-which he is very thankful for. His urine is normal for the first time in years. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. They took the bandages off the incision, you can see the staples now, and it looks great. He is starting to get "itchy" around the staples, we like that-means it is healing.... Below a picture for your viewing senses!
And Ladies & Gentleman......the incision!!!!

Thanks to everyone for their prayers and continued prayers. I have seen so many answered... For now we will be staying in ICU. We were hoping we would be getting out of there today, but oh well, better to be in ICU and under supervision then not at all ;-)
He has a good bit of his humor today. He sat up in the chair for a couple hours, and he even got up to utilize the facilities and "percolate" the bowels (teehehehehe)
We are keeping our fingers crossed that there won't be another surgery.....but they are not ruling it out, but are hopeful it won't have to happen.

Uh oh!

Well in true Big Bird fashion, we have a complication. He is experiencing internal bleeding. They have given him 5 units of blood since last night, they are still seeing if they can control it, if not, we are looking at another surgery. So much for getting out of ICU today.

I will update when I know more. We are on our way to the hospital now.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Progress Report

Big Bird is in ICU recovery. He is doing VERY well. The doctors are just as pleased as can be with his progress. Everyone keeps telling us he is doing very good. They were able to remove his breathing tubes after just 10 hours of being in. Wow he is a strong soul!!!

We are all so overcome with emotions. So many miracles have been granted to our family in the last 24 hours that I am truly in awe at the power of Heavenly Father. We needed a blessing, the missionaries were 100 yards from our house before we left for San Antonio. Melissa and I were talking on our way home that we forgot to call and put Dusty on the prayer roll in the Temple, there is a message on our answering machine from our Bishop he was on his way to the temple in GA and would be listing him on the Temple list there. Every time we think we need to take care of something, Heavenly Father has provided it. They told us the surgery wouldn't be complete until close to 5am, it was done at 2am. Miracles are real and they do happen....

We are on an emotional roller coaster. One minute we are crying, the next we are stalwart! But he is transplanted. He is doing well. They are impressed with his progress.

My prayers are with the donor family that gave my brother this beautiful, priceless gift. I can't imagine what they are going through right now. They gave my baby brother a chance at actually finally having a debt and gratitude to this selfless family is beyond anything words could ever define. They are my heros...........

Thank you for all our comments, Brenda B, Dawn, Lonnie, Katie, Edie everyone for your kind words. They mean so much. Once Dusty is awake enough to understand, he will be excited to hear about it!

Transplant Complete

Nasty Old Dieased Liver..........

Pretty new Pink Liver!!!

Big Bird made it through surgery. It has been an emotional roller coaster. We are at the hotel and trying to get some sleep we can't get back into the hospital until tomorrow morning.

I have lots of phone calls to make....

Dusty did very well. Everything just went smoothly. Heavenly Father was certainly watching over him, everything was just falling into place today-there was no question who was in charge.

He is in ICU where he will remain for the next 72 hours. This is standard for tx patients. Anyone wanting to send something, please refrain from plants or flowers or fruit. Transplant patients can't be around them.

We have no phone or internet at the hospital so, I know y'all are wanting to get us, we are trying....please patients are prayers.

We are going to try and get him another blessing tomorrow so I will be making some church calls in the morning as well.

Will post more after I have had a chance to talk to a doctor sometime tomorrow....

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

the call

We just got word from San Antonio. We are on our way.......

No more NyQuil!

So Thanksgiving weekend my Mom & Jerry brought over the plague (a nasty virus that has been going around really). I ended up getting sick for nearly two weeks. Melissa ended up sick as well.

I finally got better, then Big Bird comes down with it. He was walking around the house Sunday morning asking why I was trying to kill him (please keep in mind that I have been sick and actually came home early the previous Friday). I told him, yes, yes I am trying to kill you. It is my goal in life to make you as miserable as I possibly can. ;-) (what are sisters for right?)

So, Monday night, he is still sick and had been taking Tylenol Severe Cold (yes he can take Tylenol even though he has liver disease we asked his liver doc!). I suggested he take NyQuil before he went to bed-what could it possibly hurt right?

So, I am in my nice warm snugly bed, and I get a RUDE awakening at 12:45AM, Big Bird busts through my bedroom door, thrashes on my light and yells, "Tiffany something isn't right"-I am dead asleep-startled to grogginess and he throws his florescent yellow eyes in my face and asked "are my eyes dilated?" Do you have any idea how frightening a jaundice persons face is when it is thrusted into your face in the middle of the night? It isn't a pleasant sight!!!! Apparently what little amount of alcohol that is in NyQuil made him drunk on medicine.

At this point he is trying to convince me we need to go to the ER, cause "it's not right", I told him to drink some water and go to bed. "Are you sure? I don't feel right", I respond, "Yes, Dusty, just get some sleep", he reluctantly lays down in his bed.

The next morning, I am up cleaning up the kitchen, he walks in ever so nonchalantly and exclaims "so, ya think I shouldn't take NyQuil anymore?" I ever so sarcastically respond, "ya think"

So, yeah, there ya have it, no more NyQuil for Big Bird!!!!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Christmas Photos

We were taking some family photos in front of the Christmas Tree (thanks Edie) and this was Bella & Poochie waiting patiently with Big Bird for the photo taking to commence...

***BREAKING NEWS- Big Bird had his Liver Transplant on Wednesday December 12, 2007***

Adventures in Big Bird's Liver World is an account of the daily adventures, trials, frustrations and workings of living with PSC. My brother, aka Big Bird, was diagnosed with PSC in 2000, after battleing UC for many years. He was listed for a transplant in May 2007. We now await the infamous "call". In the mean time, this is where we vent, poise questions and ramble about life, doctor appointments, illness, good days & bad days.