Friday, August 31, 2007


Four days in ICU.
Four packets of Fresh Frozen Plasma
IV Antibiotics
One Vitamin K shot in the bumbum
One EGD to remove previously placed Stent

Total comes to $18756.00

Boy am I glad I spent sometime reading all the Medicare Stuff and consulting with a Medicare Insurance provider to make sure he got a fantastic supplemental policy.

wowsers....just had to share.....

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Ah, the Grumpy ones. Big Bird & Aukee......

Monday, August 27, 2007


Depression has reared it's ugly head. Not a good time for anyone that is around Big Bird. I hope it is just a short fit, but I don't know. He was so optimistic about getting a transplant soon, but that time has come and gone. He is really scared his liver is (in his words) "shot".

I really don't know what to do. It is hard to watch it, but what choice does one have?

We will stay positive, and keep our fingers crossed that he doesn't get another infection and a transplant comes sooner rather than later....

Friday, August 24, 2007

Still #1

We found out yesterday that Big Bird's MELD score is now at a 21. He is still #1 on the list, but only at his center. He is doing much better. Still has some liver tenderness, but overall much better. He has a couple more days on the Levoquin, so....fingers crossed.

Friday, August 17, 2007


Big Bird was parolled this morning. One last push of IV antibiotics, then 10 days of levoquin.

But he is home. Have to go and fill perscriptions....He is in much better spirits today. I think he may even be making a WOW appearence this afternoon.

Poochie Therapy

We successfully smuggled in the Poochie for some "Poochie Therapy" last night. They were happy to see each other ;-)

Big Bird was moved to the 4th floor. So now he is very ready to come home. I think we are suffering a wee bit of depression-not that I can blame him. I just wish he would eat more. He has lost at least 10 pounds (I wish I could) through this whole ordeal. Not good for such a bean pole already.

He will hopefully be coming home today. I am getting ready to head to the hospital here in a few mins. So I will post when I get home.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

We ARE getting out of ICU

They are working up the orders, and he is going to a regular room this afternoon. They want to keep him on the IV antibiotics through tomorrow morning, but doc said as long as the fever doesn't come back, he can go home tomorrow.

Since he is going to the regular room, I am thinking it is necessary to smuggle the Poochie in for some "pet therapy". Big Bird is certainly low on the Poochie kisses quota!

It has been a whirlwind of a week. Things were really scary Monday night, Tuesday and even into Wednesday, but Thursday has seen glimpses of Big Bird returning to himself.

Now we just hope and pray for a liver to come sooner rather than later, and that we won't have any more of these hospital scares before the big surgery.....

Much Better

Big Bird is MUCH BETTER. He hasn't had a fever since last evening around 7. There is even talk about him getting out of ICU today and moved to a regular room. Woohoo-he would really like to take a shower-and this would give him the opportunity to do so! If he gets moved, I'm gonna see about getting permission to bring in the Poochie for a visit, I know Big Bird and Poochie miss each other. Well all the fur babies miss him really. They keep going to his room looking for him.

As of now, he is still number one on the list. Not sure if they will change it since his blood work is markedly improved. I guess we shall see.

I will update when after the doctor makes his rounds and we can ask some questions.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wednesday Update

Big Bird has been running a fever off and on all day. It was back up to 100.5 around 4 this afternoon.

They took the stent out, the doctor seems confident that this was the issue and things should just get better from here on out. They still have him on IV antibiotics, and well keep him in ICU at least through tomorrow. There is a possibility he might get to go home Friday-fingers crossed.

When things got scary, they listed his MELD score at 40-this is the highest it can go. This is his MELD score listing as of right now. His INR was down significantly to 1.47 today as well-yippie...

Really right now he needs a transplant, I don't know how much more he or any of us can take of this. He seems to be down right now. I left the hospital early tonight, he didn't get much sleep last night, so hopefully that won't be the case tonight.

Don't really have allot today......good I suppose.

fever, fever go away!!!!

Last night the fever jumped up to 103.....they decided to wave the 48 hours on antibiotics and take the stent out today. That will be happening this afternoon. So instead of fever decrease, we have fever increase. ARG!!!!!!!

Big Bird said he was doing ok this morning. Mom is on her way to the hospital now. I have to go into work for a couple hours to take care of a few things then I will be at the hospital.

This has been a report of the Big Bird broadcasting network.......

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Big Bird was resting when I left. He requested saltine crackers-it is about the only thing he can keep down right now. Oh the exquisite taste of saltines ;-)

Fever was back this evening, 100.9 when I left. They changed up the antibiotics to every 4 hours instead of heavy dose of levoquin once every 24 hours. He will be in ICU for at least another 24-48 hours. There is a possibility that they will transfer him to SA at the end of the week, so I guess we just wait and see.

His INR is what has everyone jumping through hoops. It ain't a happy thing. All they can do for him is try and control the infection, control the pain and pray for a liver donor. How bitter sweet is that???? Hey can someone please die so my brother can have a life???? Crass I know, but I am tired and I really am just a snot right now.

I will post an update tomorrow, but for now, I am off for some very much needed sleep!!!

We are #1

Well it is official we are having a bout of cholangitis. Oh the remarkable joys. He is on a pain pump now to hopefully help control the pain-we shall see.

It was the INR that was throwing loops this morning. It was 6, it is now 3.36, still high, but better.

But with this latest development and the INR numbers we found out this afternoon that he has officially been bumped to #1 on the transplant list for his blood type at his center. Scary news...

I have the RS president coordinating with the bishopric to get someone down here to get a blessing so hopefully that will be happening this evening.

That is the latest from the deluxe ICU suite....will let ya know more when I can.


So Big Bird as a deluxe suite in ICU. He decided he wasn't getting enough attention at home I guess. Bella is not impressed with the lack of belly rubs.

The low down.....Monday morning (8/13/07) about 1am Big Bird had the onset of liver pain. It intensified, so he took vicodin, that didn't seem to help. About 7pm, he started with fevers, with the highest one reaching 100.5 (this is not good for liver patients). Vomiting set in shortly after. About 9:30pm we made the call to head to the ER.

They did a bunch of blood work, and cultures. About 3 they decided to go ahead and admit him (this is a story in itself as in my experience ER docs are morons w/liver disease patients). We kept asking what room he was going to be in, they finally came to move him, and we find out they are putting him in ICU. (Shock and dismay now sets in)

They started Fresh Frozen Plasma (sounds like a winery sell-hehe) about 4:30 this morning. His clotting (I really need to talk to a doc so I can get some terminology here) has improved some he was a 6 when admitted, and he is now at a 3. However even with morphine the pain is not improving. Lots of sensitivity and tenderness. Big Bird is not a happy camper....

Will post more after I can talk to a doc and find out what is going on and the plan of action....

Thursday, August 09, 2007


I simpsonsized big bird...hehe I am too easily amused. I will have to get a photo of myself to try ;-)

Have fun with it yourself visit
***BREAKING NEWS- Big Bird had his Liver Transplant on Wednesday December 12, 2007***

Adventures in Big Bird's Liver World is an account of the daily adventures, trials, frustrations and workings of living with PSC. My brother, aka Big Bird, was diagnosed with PSC in 2000, after battleing UC for many years. He was listed for a transplant in May 2007. We now await the infamous "call". In the mean time, this is where we vent, poise questions and ramble about life, doctor appointments, illness, good days & bad days.