So Big Bird as a deluxe suite in ICU. He decided he wasn't getting enough attention at home I guess. Bella is not impressed with the lack of belly rubs.
The low down.....Monday morning (8/13/07) about 1am Big Bird had the onset of liver pain. It intensified, so he took
vicodin, that didn't seem to help. About 7pm, he started with fevers, with the highest one reaching 100.5 (this is not good for liver patients). Vomiting set in shortly after. About 9:30pm we made the call to head to the ER.
They did a bunch of blood work, and cultures. About 3 they decided to go ahead and admit him (this is a story in itself as in my experience ER docs are morons w/liver disease patients). We kept asking what room he was going to be in, they finally came to move him, and we find out they are putting him in ICU. (Shock and dismay now sets in)
They started Fresh Frozen Plasma (sounds like a winery sell-
hehe) about 4:30 this morning. His clotting (I really need to talk to a doc so I can get some terminology here) has improved some he was a 6 when admitted, and he is now at a 3. However even with
morphine the pain is not improving. Lots of
sensitivity and tenderness. Big Bird is not a happy camper....
Will post more after I can talk to a doc and find out what is going on and the plan of action....