Friday, September 21, 2007
Why on earth?
This morning, they leave a message on the answering machine, they want to schedule another ERCP. WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THEY THINKING?????????????
Big Bird called his nurse, waiting on a call back, if that doesn't go anywhere, we are calling his local doc and having him call and have a chat. Are they trying to make him sicker?????
Follow Up Transplant Clinic Appt.
I know that if he is to get a liver transplant, it will be when the time is right. I truly believe Heavenly Father's plan is much greater. I am comforted that I know this. It is just a frustrating situation to be in.
We are tethered to an imaginary leash-waiting and wondering. But at least we have humor, sarcastic and dry as it may be-but it is there. We have faith, that things will work out the way they are meant to. We have family-whom we yell at, love, cry with and hug. With all this I say Big Bird has it made for whatever the outcome may be!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Our Aunt Karen
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Still Waiting
Feel free to leave comments, we love to hear from everyone.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Keep Hope in Sight
Yellow eyes, jaundiced skin,
What a lousy shape I'm in,
Swollen ankles, sloshy belly,
Squishy like they're filled with jelly,
Itch and scratch, til it's sore,
Then I itch and scratch some more,
Cramping legs, cramping feet,
Stretch them out and then repeat,
Sleepy days, up at night,
Thinking isn't quite so bright,
Am I tired or am I lazy?
This itching's going to drive me crazy!
Colors seem to fade to grays,
As I'm feeling more malaise,
But keep a future hope in sight,
When yellow eyes will turn to white,
Fluffy ankles will deflate,
Maybe I won't sleep so late,
Surely I won't feel so drained,
Certainly I'll feel less pained,
Thank you Lord, there's hope in sight,
When yellow eyes will turn to white,
By transplant or Your glory bright.
Written by: Darryl Powlison
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Who Is Big Bid?
Big Bird is my wittle brother. I say this as he is my younger brother, but he is actually 6'10" tall. He is also currently sporting a lovely tinge of yellow in his skin & eyes (mostly eyes right now-he is looking ok skin wise currently). Hence the name Big Bird (tall and yellow).
Big Bird has been sick since he was about 15 years old. He broke his leg, and things just spiraled from there. He starting "passing" blood, come to find out he had bleeding ulcers in his colon. He had to have a couple blood transfusions-he is actually surprised to have survived as his blood counts would be extremely low.
When he moved to Austin, and ended up in the ER with a colitis attack, we found his excellent Doctor. He was able to finally after about 5 years of dealing with the colitis, get it under control. Dr. Ziebert continued to keep Big Bird under his wings. In 1999, his liver function tests starting coming back abnormal. They did an ERCP and discovered that Big Bird had PSC. We were told that he would need a liver transplant in about 5 years. As time went on, he would get occasional episodes of UC, and occasional episodes of liver related infections.
In 2005 they did an ERCP and stated that stenting would no longer work that transplant was now an option that had to be considered. Well at this time, Big Bird had to insurance. Since his health was declining, energy fading, labs getting worse, itching becoming unbearable, with consultation from his doc we decided it was time to apply for SSDI. SSDI was granted, but the kicker with that is Medicare takes 2 years to kick in before you are eligible. He got a couple cholangitis attacks, symptom's got worse and we really started to fear.
On February 1, 2007 Big Bird got Medicare. On February 9, we were meeting with the Transplant Clinic. In April 2007 Big Bird was being evaluated for Transplant. In May 2007 Big Bird was listed.
Now we just wait. Big Bird is #1 for his Blood Type (type A) he has been this way for a couple months now. His labs will be redone next week when he has a transplant clinic appointment.
The last couple weeks have been really good actually. But as anyone who knows how PSC works, you NEVER know how long that will last. So you take each day at a time.
Well, that should give everyone who doesn't know Big Bird some background and even a little bit of explanation to his nick name.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Nap Time
After the trip to the dentist this morning to fix falling crown and a yummy breakfast taco breakfast, Big Bird, Aukee & Jasmine decided it was time to cuddle up and watch a movie this morning.
I had to laugh, so I snapped this photo while I was leaving for work. Aukee is such a nerd, doesn't he know yarn is not a pillow??
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Caution-falling teeth
Adventures in Big Bird's Liver World is an account of the daily adventures, trials, frustrations and workings of living with PSC. My brother, aka Big Bird, was diagnosed with PSC in 2000, after battleing UC for many years. He was listed for a transplant in May 2007. We now await the infamous "call". In the mean time, this is where we vent, poise questions and ramble about life, doctor appointments, illness, good days & bad days.