Thursday, December 27, 2007

Seeing is Believing.....

The above photo was taken on November 1, 2007. Dustin & I at a friend's Birthday dinner.

This is Dustin and I on December 21, the day he was getting released from the hospital.

This was Dustin yesterday morning. It is amazing, truly amazing to watch how his color has come back. How his skin has been completely changed but this amazing new liver. We really need to name his new liver-it deserves a name (I have mentioned this before and Big Bird really wants to name it Grapefruit-since that is a big no no to transplant patients)

The gratitude of this gift is without the a doubt, the greatest gift anyone could have wanted for Dustin or our family this Christmas! I know I keep saying how grateful we are, you no words truly reflect how we feel, how Dustin especially feels. He is so thankful, but he is so sad by the means in which he got this gift.

I hope you Christmas was as blessed as ours was!


Katie said...

I can't believe the change in his skin color. Although I must say that I love the picture of you both at my birthday dinner! lol
It's amazing how quick his color is coming back. I'm glad you guys had a great Christmas! I can't wait till I'm germ free so I can stop by!

Brenda B said...

We are happy for your progress and pray it continues.

Anonymous said...

i found your blog, from my son who lives in tokyo,?????? who would have thought. i am so happy for you. i have had hep c for 37 years and last week i was diagnosed with liver cancer. GREAT!!! its scary to think of the long journey ahead of me, if its long at all, i really needed some good feedback on this liver transplant i hope to get.....any way i am very happy for you, and so is my dog of luck the rainking. redway calif heart of the redwoods

Anonymous said...

It's always good to hear of another transplant recipient doing well. I am almost 1 year post transplant and I too feel very blessed.

Happy Holidays!

Josh Carpenter said...

Congratulations guys! I am happy that the transplant was a success and things are going so well. The color change is amazing....I remember looking in the mirror for the first time after my transplant and seeing that my eyes were white again....such a GREAT feeling!! Congratulations again! Look forward to a new year and a return to your former life...make it better this time though!

Anonymous said...

It truly is amazing! We need another update! a new one for 2008 :)

***BREAKING NEWS- Big Bird had his Liver Transplant on Wednesday December 12, 2007***

Adventures in Big Bird's Liver World is an account of the daily adventures, trials, frustrations and workings of living with PSC. My brother, aka Big Bird, was diagnosed with PSC in 2000, after battleing UC for many years. He was listed for a transplant in May 2007. We now await the infamous "call". In the mean time, this is where we vent, poise questions and ramble about life, doctor appointments, illness, good days & bad days.