Thursday, December 27, 2007

Some updating and photos!

I'm free, I am really free.....This was Friday, December 21, 2007 when Big Bird was released and being escorted to the car.

To the right is Big Bird's Transplant Educator-Darnell. He was great and also a fellow PSCer transplant patient. We learned so much from Darnell-thank you Darnell!!!!

Big Bird Christmas Morning. He got lots of bath products-as he loves hot baths. Unfortunately he can't take a hot bath right now, it is all shower time....and of course his Christmas presents were purchase before his

To the right again, Big Bird 15 days post transplant. His color is remarkably normal...Such a difference....

This is Big Bird's delightfully scrumptious breakfast!

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***BREAKING NEWS- Big Bird had his Liver Transplant on Wednesday December 12, 2007***

Adventures in Big Bird's Liver World is an account of the daily adventures, trials, frustrations and workings of living with PSC. My brother, aka Big Bird, was diagnosed with PSC in 2000, after battleing UC for many years. He was listed for a transplant in May 2007. We now await the infamous "call". In the mean time, this is where we vent, poise questions and ramble about life, doctor appointments, illness, good days & bad days.