Thursday, December 13, 2007

Transplant Complete

Nasty Old Dieased Liver..........

Pretty new Pink Liver!!!

Big Bird made it through surgery. It has been an emotional roller coaster. We are at the hotel and trying to get some sleep we can't get back into the hospital until tomorrow morning.

I have lots of phone calls to make....

Dusty did very well. Everything just went smoothly. Heavenly Father was certainly watching over him, everything was just falling into place today-there was no question who was in charge.

He is in ICU where he will remain for the next 72 hours. This is standard for tx patients. Anyone wanting to send something, please refrain from plants or flowers or fruit. Transplant patients can't be around them.

We have no phone or internet at the hospital so, I know y'all are wanting to get us, we are trying....please patients are prayers.

We are going to try and get him another blessing tomorrow so I will be making some church calls in the morning as well.

Will post more after I have had a chance to talk to a doctor sometime tomorrow....


Dawn said...

Tiffany and Dusty,
I am soo sooo happy for you! This is the best news. I could not believe it when I clicked on your blog and saw this. I can't wait to hear more!

You will be in our prayers.
-Dawn and Carl

Brenda B said...

I can't believe they gave you pictures.

God Bless! Your in our prayers.

Brenda B

Anonymous said...

You are all in my prayers! Tiff if you need anything, please call. I am glad Dusty made it through surgery well!

Love ya,

Katie said...

WOW! That liver sure is a beauty. lol
Please keep letting me know what I can do to help. YOu know to call me anytime!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

God is Good.
My prayers also to the donor family as well to all of you and the doctors and nurses who have cared for and are now caring for Dustin.

Can't believe the pic of the old liver. OW

dee-psc support

***BREAKING NEWS- Big Bird had his Liver Transplant on Wednesday December 12, 2007***

Adventures in Big Bird's Liver World is an account of the daily adventures, trials, frustrations and workings of living with PSC. My brother, aka Big Bird, was diagnosed with PSC in 2000, after battleing UC for many years. He was listed for a transplant in May 2007. We now await the infamous "call". In the mean time, this is where we vent, poise questions and ramble about life, doctor appointments, illness, good days & bad days.